Where is the arma 2 config file
Where is the arma 2 config file

forbidden variables, will automaticly crash the client if he has a bad var.(the cfgHelperMenu can help you in this case). allowed variables list, all the variables you need in your mission, put them here.forbidden variables tags, will automaticly crash the client if he has a bad tag.if a variables has an allowed tag but not in allowed variables list, it will send a low hack risk message to the server.allowed variales tags (example : "bis_" will allow all variables like bis_fnc_mp).The list of files checked on the mission start, will trigger if in this list.remove the listed bad words sent in the chat bar.remove the entered ip formats in chat bar.Admins are excluded of the anti cheat analyse process.The list of admins UID, will activate the admin menu for admins.Parameter 1 : enable or not anti teleport check, only checking map teleport.Parameter 1 : check external scripts, experimental, give me feedback about this feature.Parameter 2 : action to perform => "NOTHING" forced.Parameter 1 : enable or not filtering the player chat bar.Parameter 2 : action to perform if a hack file ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").Parameter 1 : check files on mission start.Parameter 2 : action to perform if a unknown var has been detected ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").

where is the arma 2 config file

  • Parameter 1 : enable missionNamespace variables checking.
  • Parameter 2 : action to perform ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").
  • Right-click the file, click properties and click 'Unblock'.


    On some Windows systems dll files may need to be unblocked. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. Parameter 1 : enable or not weapons checking, if the player has bad gear on him, it will trigger this. both client and server files and extract to the root Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder.Parameter 2 : action to perform after the deletion ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").Parameter 1 : enable or not vehicles checking, if the player gets in a hacked vehicle, the vehicle will be deleted.Parameter 2 : action to perform if an unknown display has been detected ("KICK","CRASH","NOTHING").Parameter 1 : enable or not displays checking, it's usefull for cheaters who use custom menus, don't forget to whitelist yours because all the displays are checked.Enable debug mode, will print informations in the chat and will disable kick/crash on the players.Set to true to enable the anti cheat and false to disable it.

    where is the arma 2 config file

    Simply the current Arma_ac folder path (default : "ARMA_AC").The CfgFileHelper menu in the admin menu can help you to configure all this. In config.hpp you have a lot parameters, this section will help you to understand how it works and what it means. cheking running scripts in the background (experimental).execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initClient.sqf ") execVM (AC_FOLDER + "\initServer.sqf ") #define AC_FOLDER ( getText ( missionConfigFile > "ARMA_AC " > "folder "))

    Where is the arma 2 config file